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Sounding Off

Music info and commentary

Monday, October 01, 2007


Radiohead has had moments where its music was ahead of the pack.

The same can be said of the band's business sense.

In Rainbows, the new Radiohead album, will be available for download via the band's official site starting Oct. 10.

Those who visit the site to preorder the regular download of the album (a deluxe "discbox" version, available in December, has a fixed price) eventually will arrive at a screen that says "it's up to you" with regard to the price.

Sure, some people will abuse the opportunity and pay a puny sum. But fans with brains know not to take music for granted, and paying market value -- which these days seems to be at least 99 cents per song -- would be the fair thing to do.


The Final 24 begins its second season at 11 p.m. ET on Oct. 17.

The Biography Channel series searches for clues leading up to a celebrity's demise. This season's music-centric episodes include Jim Morrison (Oct. 31), as well as Janis Joplin, Keith Moon and Tupac Shakur (airdates to come).


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